We provide product photography for promotional, advertising and catalogue purposes for both internet and print use. Our studio has easy roller door access for larger items. Alternatively, if your product(s) cannot be transported to us, we will happily come to you. We cover Bath, Bristol and surrounding area.
Your image is important to you, therefore we want our product photographs to be just what you wanted, and we can work closely with your web and print designers if required.
Our product images are supplied in digital formats to suit your requirements. The photos are saved in 300dpi jpeg format suitable for printing and also resized to 72dpi /1000px suitable for netpublishing. Other formats available on request.Your photos can be stored on CD or uploaded to a secure server. We promise a fast turnaround (within 48 hours).
We take several shots of the product from different angles and focusing on important details. Each product costs £30 to photograph and you receive three high resolution images. Additional images of the same product can be purchased for £10 each. We provide discounts for larger orders. You can also buy discounted credits if you don't have so many products to photograph in one go.